
Mar 20, 2005

Returning to a Culture of Life

All of us at some point in our lives have suffered some sort of pain. I know I have. Broken bones and burns, but the worst pain I have ever suffered in my entire life was a broken heart. The deep cutting pain of love and love lost.

Time does heal all wounds, but the scars remain throughout our lives and so do the memories. Im sure many of you reading this have had them. Try reflecting back on your youth and remember those youthful emotions and experiences with love and then with love lost. The memories of complete helplessness, desperation and hopelessness that seem to consume our entire being.

Music can sometimes help us to reflect, remember and gently open those old scars. Listening to the song written by Mike Reid and Alan Shamblin entitled "I Can't Make You Love Me" have helped me to remember the desperation of not being in control.

We have become a society that seems to think we have a cure, a fix or even a legal solution for everything and yet we seem to have forgotten that at a very young age we all go through the pain of learning and coming to the realization that there are certain things we simply have no power over.

No judge has the power to order my wife, children or parents to love me or for that matter for me to love my wife's cooking.

No judge in America or for that matter the world, not even the omnipotent Judge Greer has the power to issue a court order. It is profoundly self-evident to all of us that to have a legal recourse would deny another individual of their own liberty and freedom. We seem to have liberty, freedom and the pursuit of happiness down it is the issue of "life" where we as a nation have lost our sense of direction.

We are a nation that kills infants in the womb with a total disregard for the sanctity of human life. In the last thirty years we have become a nation and culture focused on death. As our nation slides deeper into the abyss of immorality it almost seems almost grotesquely natural that we would reach a point where we as a nation would attempt to rationalize things like euthanasia and the extermination of the disabled among us.

Not only is it completely pointless and irrelevant to speculate and debate what Terri Schiavo's medical condition is, it is chilling that we would even be having this discussion and national debate. Terri Schiavo is a human being, guilty of no crime and no one, not Judge Greer or the Supreme Court has the right to starve her to death and deprive her of her life.

Our path to enlightenment and road to redemption as a nation entails us reflecting on where we went wrong, how we came to this point, realizing that our courts are not infallible and having the courage and resolve to undo what we did wrong.

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