
Aug 14, 2007

Rendezvous With Destiny - Part 1

This past weekend's events in Jakarta, Indonesia should have been a start reminder and a wakeup call to the West of the terrible dangers the world is currently facing in the dark days ahead. To paraphrase Franklin D. Roosevelt, the experience of the past six years should have proven to us beyond a doubt that no nation can appease the the advocates of Islam. No man can tame a tiger into a kitten by stroking it. There can be no appeasement with ruthlessness. There can be no reasoning with an incendiary bomb. We should have, as a viable nation come to the realization that we can have peace with the Islam only at the price of total surrender.

And therein lies the first mental stumbling block that we have yet to overcome, which is the inability to name our enemy. To highlight the profound sophistry, if Islam is a religion of peace, then we seem to be at war with peace.

Historically, the fascism and totalitarianism of the past have for the most part been secular in nature whereas the fascism and totalitarianism that we face today is religious. In Islamic usage, civil society and the congregation of the faithful are conterminous and unlike other religions, Islam is and has always been as much a socio-political ideology as it is a religion. This isn't merely an opinion or speculation on our part, Hizb ut-Tahrir makes their intentions quite clear when they state --

" by Islam refers to all aspects of our relationships, all must be in line with Islam. Therefore downplaying the importance of the Khilafah/Islamic State/Imamah in order to emphasize personal rectification is akin to missing salah (prayer) in order to conserve energy for siyam (fasting)..."

What we witnessing now firsthand is not only historical rebirth of fascism and totalitarianism now on the march, but the culmination of our policies of accommodation and appeasement and the fateful consequences of Western fecklessness.

In the aftermath of the attack on Pearl Harbor, it's almost impossible for us to image that Americans would have found themselves on their knees constructing "giant penis-venerating shrines" in the nation's airports to accommodate pious Japanese travelers or that our president Franklin D. Roosevelt and the State Department would be donning kimonos and yukatas as they flitted around from sushi bar to teahouse shouting "kampai" and sipping sake and green tea. Surely none of us could ever imagine our President at the time profusely and tirelessly professing the glorious wonders of Shintoism as he removed his shoes and dedicated a plethora of new Shinto shrines around the country.

If you find yourself outraged and asking what the hell went wrong, then you are not alone. In a previous post here I would offer an opinion on what went wrong which can be summed up in the following -- and that is the belief "that all cultures, from that of a spirits-worshiping tribe to that of an advanced industrial civilization, are all equal in value." If we can affirm the preceding statement, one of the central tenets of multiculturalism, then the hypocrisy in our mission and our self-proclaimed vocation to spread freedom and democracy in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere around the globe becomes painfully evident. In other words, we've lost.

It's often been said that ~ "The average age of the world's great civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to great courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to selfishness; from selfishness to complacency; from complacency to apathy; from apathy to dependency; from dependency back again to bondage."

Having seen the abyss firsthand and with a prescience of what is to come, these final words from Ronald Reagan reflect with great clarity the danger ahead. "You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on Earth, or we will sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness."


  1. Dr. Sanity`s is shining a psychological spotlight on a few of the insanities of life:

  2. O, n on CNBC this morn Larry Kudlow made mention of 24 `cluster cells` of peace in North East US.
    Homegrown too.

  3. Anonymous3:18 AM

    Actually Lord Alexander Fraser Woodhouselee probably didn't say that.

    "Tytler's book, Universal history, from the creation of the world to the beginning of the eighteenth century, is available for viewing and searching on-line. The complete text was searched for each of the following phrases:
    Athenian Republic
    generous gifts
    public treasury
    loose fiscal
    200 years
    two hundred years
    spiritual faith
    In no case was text identified that was remotely similar in words or intent to the alleged Tytler quote. "

    However, great article and a pleasure to read you none the less as usual. :)

  4. Thanks for your comments and the correction, I specifically remember checking the spelling of the name for this and was not aware of the controversy regarding the attribution of the quote.

    And this essay would now seem to support what you said as well.

    The Mythical Alexander Tyler and His Theory of Democracy

    In any event, someone said it and we now don't know who. But it fits the overall theme and supports the story.

    I'll remove the attribution.

    Thanks again. :-)


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